The Creative Part of Creative Marketing

I often talk about the kind of work that I do in Marketing as Creative Marketing. However, I have realized that I have not as often talked about what exactly I mean by Creative Marketing and why it is Creative.
Thus, in this particular exploration, this is exactly what I'm about to do. Hopefully, you'll be able to follow me during this voyage.

First, you've got to understand something. All of this is based on a very particular cosmology. And a "cosmology" in itself is about a particular discourse regarding the cosmos.
It is of Greek origin.
But no need to get too much into the Etymology of the word Cosmology.
I just figured I would put that out, so that you can fully and truly follow me during this voyage.

Now, to get back to what I was saying.
This particular form of Marketing that I do is based on a very particular form of Cosmology. And, in this Cosmology, Man is Creative.
Every single human being is a Creative Being.
This is what this Cosmology says. There is not one human being who is not a Creative Being.
Not one.
Each and every single human on this planet is gifted with Creative Potential. The trick is to understand that we each are gifted of this magnificent potential and can, in fact,  use it.
Constantly, if we choose to.

As part of this Cosmology, our most Powerful Creative tool is Language. And, I don't mean just "Verbal Language". I mean Language in all its implications.

This brings us to the kind of Marketing that I do, referred to (by me) as "Creative Marketing".
Its most Powerful tool is Language.
I mean, both Verbal and Visual Language. Therefore, this is what I use.
I use the Power of Language.

I like to put it like this. Mostly, because it truly expresses that which Creative Marketing is based on. Also, because Language is Really and Amazingly Powerful.
As a tool, there is quite a lot it can do. In fact, there is almost nothing it can't do. This Cosmology that I speak of would say that Language is behind everything you see, everything known and unknown, every aspect of Reality that can be properly defined.
It's all based on Language. But this is neither the time nor the place to discuss this fully. We're not going to be exploring all of this Cosmology in full detail here.
Right now, what's important is the way that Cosmology relates to Creative Marketing.

Hope you're still with me.

Now, if you are still with me, it means that you're probably ready to hear what follows.

Are you ready?

The fact that you have been reading until this point should be proof enough of the Power of Language.
You have been reading until this point because the words that I have written until now have captivated you, they have kept you interested enough that you've stayed.
You could call it anything you want.
Whatever you want.
It matters not what you call it. The fact is, I have written those words with the intent of you reading them, and you have done just that.

Oh, boy! You could decide not to continue reading, choose instantly to no longer keep on reading these words, it would not change a thing.
You've been under the influence of the Power of Language.
And, if you're still reading even to this point, I shouldn't even have to provide more proof of the Power of Language.
Yet, this too I shall do. I shall provide you with more (for lack of a better word) proof of the Power of Language.

Let me rephrase that.

I shall provide you with more (again, for lack of a better word) proof of the Creative Power of Language.

So, are you ready?


Now, suppose that I would tell you to just think of something. Suppose that I would tell you to think of a cat, as an example.
Could you do that?
Would you do that?

Please, go ahead and do that. Think about a cat in this exact moment. For the sake of this exercise, just take a little time and think about a cat.

Have you done so?


Now, if you don't mind, simply write the word CAT.
Take a piece of paper, a notebook, or simply in your phone or laptop, whatever. Just write the word CAT.

Have you done so?

Please, do so, if you haven't yet.
None of this will matter, if you don't participate in this exercise. Don't try to cheat or outsmart or whatever. Just take a piece of paper, a notebook, phone, computer, laptop, whatever you can use to write. Just take it and simply write these three letters: C-A-T.
That simple.

Have you done so?


Now, if you have done so, what do you think just happened?

Me and you have entered in a process of co-creation, and we have created a reality in which you have taken a little bit of your time to write the word CAT.
You have done that simply by following those little words that I have written. You have read them, understood them, and acted as I asked.

Thank you for that, by the way!

Interestingly enough, even if you were to not write this word, as a way of cheating this exercise or outsmarting me, simply because of me writing these words and you reading them, we have created a reality in which, in these exact moments, the word "CAT" came to mind.
You could have been thinking about anything else in that moment, but you thought about the word "CAT". (Perhaps, you even had the image of a cat in your mind.)
You could have been thinking about the word "DOG" (and thank you, by the way, for doing so right now), but you, in that particular moment, thought about the word "CAT".

A very simple exercise, wasn't it?

Yet, as I understand it, quite an interesting way of making my point.

In fact, I'm not the first person to speak of the Power of Language this way. While I'm not going to go deep in the Cosmology within which Language is the main character here, I am going to tell you that others have spoken about Language as a much Powerful tool as well.
Even as a Marketing Tool.

Joe Vitale, author of way too many books to mention here, has written a few books exploring Language as a Powerful Marketing Tool that I think you could use.
There is "Hypnotic Writing: How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words".
And there is also "Buying Trances: A New Psychology of Sales and Marketing".
All of them books written by Joe Vitale (quite an interesting Marketer, by the way) that explore Language as a Marketing Tool.
He's even created a Marketing Brand around those ideas known as "Hypnotic Marketing".

Now, they don't necessarily follow the Cosmology of which I speak, nor do they need to. But, they do present Language as a Powerful Tool for Marketing.
So, I hope you take the time and read them, as much as you've read this material.

And with these words I say: Thank you for your time!
