The Age of Spiritual Marketing

There is a book, written by Joe Vitale, with the title "Spiritual Marketing".
You may have heard of it.
You may have not. 
You may have read it.
You may have not.
But, whether you've heard of it or read it, whether you've not heard of it or read it, this is not about this book.
Not really.

While the title of this text includes the phrase "Spiritual Marketing", it is not about the book.
This is about an understanding. And, the understanding is that there seems to be a lack of Spirituality in Marketing as it is, a lack that, if addressed, could change everything.
And thus, I have decided to address it here.

Quite a while back I wrote a text with the title "Jesus, the Spiritual Marketer". I wrote the text and shared it on Social Media (Facebook), which produced quite a few interesting discussions. As of now that I'm writing these words, I have no clear idea as to where that text is, so I could produce it to you.
It has been a while.
But, the point of the text was to draw on the stories about Jesus to show that, even in traditions known as "Spiritual Traditions", one could find Marketing Principles. And this, I think, I did quite well.
Hence the very spirited discussions I have had about it, then.

I am not going to be exploring the stories about Jesus and the Marketing Principles that can be found in them here. What I am about to do is explore how some of the very Spiritual Principles can be used in Marketing.

As a matter of fact, this is not an exploration that I intend to do on my own here. This is an exploration that I am inviting every single one of you to partake in with me.

So, is this something you're up for?

I am inviting you to partake in that exploration with me, because I truly believe that we really could change the face of Marketing. If we would only explore some of these principles sincerely and apply them, we could really change the face of Marketing.
In such, it is about us and what we choose to do now.
It is up to us to change the face of Marketing. 

What do you say?

Now, if you have any interest in at least seeing where this is going, let me try and explain to you how I see this going.

Not too long ago, I wrote a piece that was meant to explore what I refer to as "Creative Marketing". In it, I engaged the reader in some form of exercise intended to show, in a practical manner, what it is I mean by every single being is "Creative".
The idea was that we are all part of a process of co-creation. That is, we are always co-creating.
Every choice you make creates a reality produced by the collaboration of the choices made by others as well.

That's what it really is about.
That is the idea.

So, this is what I'm inviting you all to do. I am inviting you reading this to participate in the process of co-creating this "Spiritual Marketing". The only way we can make this a reality is by participating. It is by putting all of our "Creative Powers" together and produce a reality in which that which we refer to as "Marketing" can truly be "Spiritual".

Thus, I invite you to a conversation.
I invite you to a conversation about Marketing.
I am inviting you to contribute to this reality I am confident we can create if we only choose to. The only thing left is for you to be confident of that as well.
And so, it will really be true.

Now, if you're interested in participating in that conversation that I'm inviting you to, you can share your thoughts with me at this email address:
This is how we start the conversation.

For now.

In the coming days, this conversation will be moving to a more public platform, where we can have a true interaction of varying ideas and perspectives.

I hope to hear from you.

If you're reading this on this blog (, however, you can simply share your thoughts in the comment section, and I will be more than happy to engage with you.
In any case, this is an open invitation to explore an idea that I think could change everything.

Now, there is something I need to get back to.
In the beginning of this exploration, I mentioned a book with the title "Spiritual Marketing" by Joe Vitale. I said that this particular exploration was not about the book. 
I wanted to get this out of the way before we could get into the exploration. And, while this is true that this particular exploration was not about the book, I have to admit that the title and the idea of a "Spiritual Marketing" was inspired by it.
This is also true of the text, "Jesus, the Spiritual Marketer", I also mentioned I wrote a while back.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, we can bring Spirituality into Marketing. We only need to choose to do so, and act on it.

In such, it is my hope that we All act on it.

So...Thank you for your time!
