
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Age of Spiritual Marketing

There is a book, written by Joe Vitale, with the title "Spiritual Marketing". You may have heard of it. You may have not.  You may have read it. You may have not. But, whether you've heard of it or read it, whether you've not heard of it or read it, this is not about this book. Not really. While the title of this text includes the phrase "Spiritual Marketing", it is not about the book. This is about an understanding. And, the understanding is that there seems to be a lack of Spirituality in Marketing as it is, a lack that, if addressed, could change everything. And thus, I have decided to address it here. Quite a while back I wrote a text with the title "Jesus, the Spiritual Marketer". I wrote the text and shared it on Social Media (Facebook), which produced quite a few interesting discussions. As of now that I'm writing these words, I have no clear idea as to where that text is, so I could produce it to you. It has been a while. But, the point

The Creative Part of Creative Marketing

I often talk about the kind of work that I do in Marketing as Creative Marketing. However, I have realized that I have not as often talked about what exactly I mean by Creative Marketing and why it is Creative. Thus, in this particular exploration, this is exactly what I'm about to do. Hopefully, you'll be able to follow me during this voyage. First, you've got to understand something. All of this is based on a very particular cosmology. And a "cosmology" in itself is about a particular discourse regarding the cosmos. It is of Greek origin. But no need to get too much into the Etymology of the word Cosmology. I just figured I would put that out, so that you can fully and truly follow me during this voyage. Now, to get back to what I was saying. This particular form of Marketing that I do is based on a very particular form of Cosmology. And, in this Cosmology, Man is Creative. Every single human being is a Creative Being. This is what this Cosmology says. There is